воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


You can either get the user to do that manually, or you can simply add the DLL to your installation package - the page specifies that you are allowed to: Net example included in the download. Then registered the dll and using the same, I've written following code: And even then it won't handle those godawful XML formats Office programs can produce. So we will use the DsoFile. dsofile windows 7

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Asked 6 years, 9 months ago. Oder man will einer Datei eine eindeutige Nummer verpassen, ohne auf den Datei-Namen.

dsofile windows 7

I hope this helps, it took a bit of research to figure out, and I am not yet done with that research. I'm trying to update the custom properties for office docs. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

dsofile windows 7

To recreate, you must: Many people will spend time reading the earlier posts, which might be irrelevant to your question. To do that you'll have to analyze the XML formats to find out where to extract the equivalent information from. Wednesday, January 11, You're correct Bill -- as always: Just one further comment-- I wouldn't use End This message will list your newly registered DLL file and confirm that is was successfully registered into the registry.

So even if you create an installation package for your program that incorporates DSOFile.

I'd looked into COM structured storage before - http: Works in Win7, don't work in server. Sign in dsofioe vote. OLE is a dead technology in general, Office was one of the last Microsoft products that still supported it.

windows 7 doesn't suppot DSOfile - CodeProject

This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. Thanks for your reply because you hijacked somebody elses thread I don't know exactly hijacked meansbut what i did was i typed in google the question, it redirected me to bigressources.

Txt file and b install the DSOFile. You cannot quote because this article is private.

Joymon V/S Code: DSOFile in 64bit to deal with Office custom properties

I then tried registering the DLL, based off this solution, by doing the following. What are 6 colors which are also well-distinguishable in grayscale? No - because you hijacked somebody elses thread, which is rather out of order even when it isn't 9 years old which is even worse because you are now causing 'spam' for anyone who subscribed to that thread.

You can either get the user to do that manually, or you can simply add the DLL to your installation package - the page specifies that you are allowed to: The template referenced in this. This is the solution to the problem but the drawback is it will work only with the open xml office documents such as docx,pptx,xlsx etc Last edited by justgreat; May 2nd, at Attempting to write OLE data on Vista may corrupt your files. Sign up using Email and Password. I've found a VB.


Downloads for 15 Latest Package Versions Last 6 weeks. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.

Another program overwrote the required version of Interop. Email Required, but never shown.

dsofile windows 7

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