Web design Promotionale Softuri educationale Bannere publicitare Autocolante. French "Hi, I am PitiClic and I am going to show you the map of Romania, with its landforms, that is mountains, hills and plains. Resources Work plans that PitiClic offers to you to use it with your children at home or at kindergarden! This was created for the demanding parents that nowadays are searching for new ways of successfully teaching their children! Pentru a face o comanda en-gross, completati formularul de cerere de pe pagina fiecarui produs, formularul de contact sau trimiteti comanda pe email. There are no products meeting your requirements yet.
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Documentare Discovery Egiptul antic Resources Work plans that PitiClic offers to you rmoana use it with your children at home or at kindergarden! PitiClic explorator in lumea animalelor. This was created for the demanding parents that nowadays are searching for new ways of successfully teaching their children!
DVD Micul geniu Let's learn to draw romanz recite new poems. Also they discover and define themselves. PitiClic chooses a job - The Little Apprentice.
- PitiClic
Mysterious Journey - PitiClic at the Library. French The information and "games" on this CD will be the starting point in responsibly approaching the oral hygiene by the preschool children and not only.
Aplicabilitatea acestor materiale educationale este complexa si pot fi folosite de profesori, copii, scolari, elevi, parinti sau bunici in scop didactic sau educational.
Fundaluri — diverse fundaluri de ecran multiple pentru fete baieti 6. Browser browser limitat a PitiClic — resurse educationale postate pe site-ul www. Drawing and colouring books for kids - for 3 to 9 year olds.

Top 10 cele mai vandute produse. How many times did your child refuse to read or write when you asked him saying that: Cu siguranta, copiii vor fi atrasi ppiticlic isi vor petrece intr-un mod foarte placut timpul liber jucandu-se cu ele.
Do your children love computer? You will be helped by the five smart brothers, taken prisoners by the dragon. This time, the little ones will join PitiClic in the wonderful World of Fruits, where they will meet the beautiful Princess of this kingdom. The seven medals of success — full version.
PitiClic Launcher
PitiClic at the Danube Delta. De acum inainte Savana africana, Tinuturile inghetate si Padurea tropicala nu vor mai avea niciun fel de secrete. PitiClic - Carnival at the kindergarden. Carti Gradinita Caiete activitati Browse the collection " PitiClic " for other educational software.
Copilul invata despre circuitele electrice jucandu-se! PitiClic — Anniversary edition.
Carti didactice, softuri educationale si jocuri educative
A weekend with PitiClic! Web design Promotionale Softuri educationale Bannere publicitare Autocolante. We are sure they do! The purpose of this program is to offer the child the possibility of learning while playing; understanding and controlling his emotions.
Designul orientat catre copii este perfect pentru cei cu manute mici si ochisori curiosi.
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Joining PitiClic on the land of the great inventions! PitiClic at the Black Sea. PitiClic - One summer's adventures. While playing this CD, the pirates will become positive characters; they will amuse the little ones and will open new horizons so they can explore new domains filled with knowledge.
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