суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


Tag degenerate transition is not deleted if it goes the other transitions. Will see if I can make it gen some ASM. Blocking "Analyze all VM references" to re-start. Correction of bias in addressing the stack through esp. References head , and next. Definition at line 52 of file sweeper. vmsweeper

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The time now is Processing of transit tags in promkode in the absence of transition. Rcvd 15 Times in 6 Posts Thanks Given: Devirtualizatsiya instructions retn xx is no longer dependent on the number of variables in the VM stack. When automatic restart of the program is not an option avtivirovalas AntiAntiDebug.

Share all files created Vmsdeeper.


Removal of decoding addresses unconditional jump. Definition at line 35 of file sweeper. Improved detection of transit tags. Implemented in HeapSweeperand CodeSweeper. And it can't recognize obfuscated hash keys which are not just push xxxxx jumps. Will see if I can make it gen some ASM. Improved detection of the beginning of the cycle in the VM CodeVirtualizer. Fix IAT very Good ,except in some cases when double dll load in one section ,as the bad message which appear.

Improved detection of the use of a variable when its partial re-appropriation.

VM decompiler tool (VMProtect, CodeVirtualizer) - Page 5 - Exetools

Definition at line 58 of file sweeper. Is there linux vm tool like vmprotect? Also took a look at the intermediate code generated, and my decompiler seems to be in agreeance with yours. It would also be good if you can write a english history. Find all posts by Ember. For a nondegenerate unconditional transition is added to the zone vmswfeper. However it seems it's not breaking on some external code breakpoints. Definition at line 50 of file sweeper. Definition at line 74 of file sweeper.

It works on a few detours however it gets lost eventually and the program just starts. I just release a plugin, I'm not the author. I looked topic and not found him. Definition at line 37 of file sweeper.


Sometimes a direct line after a conditional jump was in the middle of the next block. Definition at line 33 of file sweeper. Definition at line 93 of file sweeper.


Find all posts by quosego. I always wondered if my code was simply just bonkers, since Oreans VM intermediately decompiled is way more clear. Processing of the entrance to the VM, combined with the label. Recognition of use of the register VM in line with its initialization. Definition at line 60 of file sweeper.

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