понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


Increased growth rate By implementing these strategies vaccination programs, use of SFR tables and proper ration design we achieve better growth rates. Prediction of marketable average weight and harvest programming. Mortality reduction Reduction of losses. Prediction of the volume of feed to be consumed, vaccine, chemical, and antifouling needs, thus facilitating the advance order of these at the beginning of each production year and consequently achieving better prices. They also reported higher feed conversion rates and growth rates; indicatively achieved FRCs for giltheaded sea bream were from 1. As a result, we accomplish better rations, controlled feed consumption and better programming of feed purchasing. Basic Features Easy-to-use integrated software environment Programming and control of the entire production cycle Detailed costing and storage management Maximize profitability. aquamanager

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By implementing these strategies vaccination programs, use of SFR tables and proper ration design we achieve better growth rates.


Better feed conversion ratio FCR Reduction in the consumed feed volume and consequently reduction of feed costs. They also reported higher feed conversion rates and growth rates; indicatively achieved FRCs for giltheaded sea bream were from 1. Production Units that use AquaManager have reported the following: AquaManager software for production management of the fish farm is the only Greek software that completely addresses the needs and demands of the modern fish farm.


Prediction of marketable average weight and harvest programming. Basic Features Easy-to-use integrated software environment Programming and control of the entire production aquamanage Detailed costing and storage management Maximize profitability.

Its presence in the market for over twenty years has made maximum contribution in production cost control and reduction. Mortality reduction Reduction of losses.

Aquamanager | Aquavet SA

These, in turn, determine the implementation of active solutions to the observed problems e. It is updated and improved annually to follow new technological advancements in information technology and new developments in aquaculture.


These are achieved initially by recording daily mortalities and losses followed by data analysis. Using the production programming it is easier for the production facility to know, at any time, the available finished product, and the volumes of products that are going to be consumed therefore achieving better management of the operation unit. Prediction of the volume of feed to be consumed, vaccine, chemical, and antifouling needs, thus facilitating the advance order of these at the beginning of each production year and consequently achieving better prices.

These operations achieved better prices, from their suppliers, in the products they were using since they knew in advance their specific needs. As a result, we accomplish better rations, controlled feed consumption and better programming of feed purchasing.

Increased growth rate By implementing these strategies vaccination programs, use of SFR tables and proper ration design we achieve better growth rates.

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